Friday, June 29, 2012

Possibility and Foresight


Two years ago, President Obama set forth legislation that would enable millions of Americans to have access to insurance; making it a right and not a burden. Yesterday, by the grace of some miraculous higher power (or by the steady hand of Justice Roberts), we are closer to closing the looming gap of inequality. The decision of the Supreme Court to largely uphold the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (CAN WE PLEASE STOP CALLING IT OBAMACARE?!), has left me with a newfound feeling of excitement, rejuvenation, and the impression of possibility. Dare I say that for the first time in my life, I actually felt an emotional sensation of patriotism? I had to restrain myself at work while internally, my body was having a fanatic dance party! There are many things that I am passionate about in this world, but I think that Healthcare policy and reform are surely at the top of that list. The only time I won a "political" debate with Dana's grandfather, Aldor, was over the topic of healthcare policy (wining a political debate with Aldor was a relentlessly implausible task). While I know that we are far from the answers and there are endless amounts of work to be done, at least we are moving in the right direction and are finally allowing this legislation to take precedence, regardless of its imperfections.

As someone who did not possess health insurance from 2005-2010, I feel that I can empathize at least on some level with those that feel that they are a victim of the system or feel left behind. I sought care at various urgent cares and clinics for low-income individuals and witnessed first hand the desperation of single mothers and fathers trying care for their sick children, as they wondered how they would pay the bill. You may be asking your self: "but you are young and healthy, why would you even need insurance?" My response? What about the time that I had a severe ear infection and by the time I made it to the doctor I was told that I could have ruptured my ear drum? Or the time that I fell when getting out of the shower and my leg was so discolored and swollen I looked as though someone had beaten me with a baseball bat? I could keep going with my many stories, but the point is that I know what it means to be without insurance and frankly, can relate to peoples' distrust in medical establishments and/or treatment. But this is of the past and I am now fortunate to be covered under Dana's insurance through a domestic partner clause...

In moving forward, the only way for this legislation to TRULY work, is to educate, educate, educate. The only way for people to fully understand the benefits and resources available to them is to teach them and to help spread the word. In the meantime, I would ask that - regardless of your stance or position on this issue - we try to collectively move forward and recogonize the effects that the Patient Protection and Affordable Care act will have on millions of citizens. If you don't understand the policy, read about it or share it with someone else without letting your judgement and ignorance stand in the way of knowledge. There are so many people in need of care and maybe, just maybe, they will now have the opportunity to seek that care.

[Stay tuned for news about a project that I'm the process of developing: Random Good NYC...]

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